Dec 10. Onassis Cultural Centre

Panel presentation as part of the Unlimited Access series at the Onassis Cultural Centre in Athens discussing aesthetic issues in disability and dance.

Under the title of Getting in frame or getting framed? Access, Ethics and Aesthetics in (Re)Presenting Disability in Performance, I was interested in discussing the close connection of a modernist aesthetic and disability and dance. The staging and working with disabled and/or non-trained performers closely connects questions of aesthetic and ethics.

off / set for Karin Stevens Dance

Being “off set” as the choreographer, working long-distance between Seattle and Switzerland with the cast from Karin Stevens Dance, demanded a different rehearsal process. Tasks to generate and set material, written instructions, diagrams, online video clips, and skype sessions, became essential to this process. How would you dance the diagrams below?

Working with Sam Boshnack’s sumptuous composition I was interested in drawing out the five dancers’ idiosyncrasies while also composing them into an ensemble. The compositional aspects of ostinato and cadenzas, being “set” and “going off”, also motivated me to work with the contrast between analytically set and intuitive structures.

Performances are coming up this week end
October 3 & 4, 8pm at Velocity Dance Center in Seattle.
Tickets are available at: Brown Paper Tickets

score elements for off/set

score elements for off/set

Off Set.jpg

karin stevens dance

Currently nearing the end of the creative process and rehearsal time working with Karin Stevens Dance. The piece is being set long-distance via tasks, video, maps and instructions as well as skype sessions during the rehearsals - a novel process for all artists involved.

The work is a quintet for five dancers set to the jazzy riffs from three movements of the Suite for Seattle's Royal Court played by the Sam Boshnack Quintet.

Performances are coming up October 3 & 4, 8pm at Velocity Dance Center's Founders Theater. Tickets are available at Brown Paper Tickets.